January 30, 2018

Recognition Method and Kitware Contact

January #2

Another progress that I made in this month is contacting Kitware company. As Mr. Calos and Ms. Bernard both have personal contacts at Kitware, I decided to draft an email describing my product and asking for advice on my current technical problem.
First of all, I organized my thoughts on the parts of my project overall, including the concept, the form of product, functions, and applications of deep learning technologies.

Then I focused on the method of sign language movement detection (sign language sample collection is where the technical limitation is at). In terms of sign language recognition, the traditional way is that camera is held by a hearing person who is opposite to the hearing impacted person and the camera lens is pointed towards to face of the person who uses sign language, but I proposed a new method that I think would be more user-friendly for the sign language users—The camera installed in the smart glasses will capture hand movements with the lens pointed away from the body through a 180-degree peripheral vision, in order to make the product more convenient for hearing-impaired people.

I explained my ideas and concerns in my email to Kitware. I look forward to hearing back from them and hope to make further connections with their technical teams for further consulting.

Business Plan Template

January #1

After coming back from Winter Break, I’ve made a lot of progress within the month of January. Keeping in touch with Ms. Bernard, my business mentor, I started discussing with her about writing the formal business plan document for my product. She offered great support in finding helpful business plan templates and related practice that I can work on as a starter. We were amazed to see how many good, free, available resources there are online. Some websites that we found super useful are:

·      A complete Business Plan for a Start-up Business: https://www.score.org/resource/business-plan-template-startup-business, I’m starting with this one now. Besides formal business plan content, there are instructions and practice included as well.
·      Free Business and Financial Template Gallery: https://www.score.org/resource/business-planning-financial-statements-template-gallery
·      Free Sample Business Plans: https://www.bplans.com/sample_business_plans.php. There are also specific categories of business plan. I specifically looked into medical equipment, medical language translation, medical equipment developer, and medical software categories that applies to my product.

With these great resources, I’m starting to construct the frame of my own business plan. Hopefully I will complete an outline by the end of February, and I will talk more about it with Ms. Bernard when I encounter any questions in writing.